Dec 14, 2018 | Athletes, Men's Health
In a functional medicine clinic, your practitioner will look into mitochondrial function as a possible cause of disease. Mitochondrial function can play a role in many psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s...
Dec 13, 2018 | Men's Health, Neurotransmitters
Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that is involved in your reward cascade. When people are risk takers, they typically have low dopamine. People who are more likely to worry and be careful, typically have high dopamine. But how does this play a role with testosterone....
Dec 13, 2018 | Autoimmunity, Men's Health
Autoimmunity can strike anywhere in the body. Multiple Sclerosis is autoimmunity of the lining of the immune system. Psoriasis is autoimmunity of the skin. Hashimoto’s is autoimmunity of the thyroid. Autoimmunity can also affect the testicles. In this instance,...
Dec 13, 2018 | Athletes, Men's Health
This is the fifth video in our series on testosterone. Most people do not know this, but there is a chemical that your body can make that causes your testosterone to turn into estrogen. This chemical is called aromatase. In a functional medicine or alternative...
Dec 12, 2018 | Athletes, Men's Health
Hey everyone. This is the second video in this series on low testosterone. The cause of low testosterone that we are covering today is low functioning of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is under command of the hypothalamus. It’s role is to send hormones...
Dec 12, 2018 | Athletes, Men's Health
This is the first video in Dr. Ball’s video blog on functional medicine. In functional medicine, alternative medicine, and chiropractic, the practitioner strives to find the cause of a person’s problem instead of just using a ‘band-aid’...